miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

CS101 Assignment No.4(Write a simple JavaScript program in HTML file to show the table of any entered number)

CS101 Assignment No.4


CS 101 Introduction to Computing
Assignment # 04
Total Marks 20

Your assignment must be uploaded / submitted before or on 01-06-2009.

Upload Instructions
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Rules for Marking
Please note that your assignment will not be graded if:

· It is submitted after due date

· The file you uploaded does not open

· The file you uploaded is copied from some one else or from internet

· It is in some format other than .html file

The assignment has been designed to enable you to:

Understand HTML and JavaScript
Use loop in JavaScript
Use HTML forms
Question 20 marks

Write a simple JavaScript program in HTML file to show the table of any entered number. Follow these directions for it:

Use HTML form, with one text box and a button as shown below:

Text box is to enter the number and when you press the “Have a Table” button a table of entered number should be shown.
Use loop to print the table
Output should be as shown below (if 5 is entered):


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