jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

Oaklawn Park Logo

Oaklawn Park Logo. Oaklawn Park on March 19,

  • Oaklawn Park on March 19,

  • MacForScience
    Apr 4, 02:46 PM
    or should I just go for the new Refurb 2.66 Mini with a Superdrive?

    I like the idea of two internal hdd's but I am wondering what the max size of the internal drives can be because I heard the new 1 TB drives are bigger and do not fit?

    Anyone done anything with the new 1 TB size drives in a Mini?

    Personally I would go with the server since the referb 2.66 is not that much faster. If you want to do gaming then the refurb 2.66 would be better because the GPU is better (assuming you are talking about the later version minis).


    Oaklawn Park Logo. Race Video for Oaklawn Park,

  • Race Video for Oaklawn Park,

  • cap
    Sep 17, 10:02 AM
    I ordered mine the day after the hardware was announced and yesterday I was told by my online retailer that they would start shipping the first or second week in Oct. after a delay was announced by Apple. I dream of the man/woman in brown knocking at the door.


    Oaklawn Park Logo. oaklawn park horse racing

  • oaklawn park horse racing

  • j2048b
    Apr 3, 07:45 PM
    I have Fusion 3 (via bootcamp) and housemate has Parallels (don't know what version). He wasn't happy with Parallels, but It also has gone through a number of revisions since. All the reviews say they are pretty much neck and neck for performance. It's just a choice of preference in the interface.

    any experience running playon with either one of those? its a streming client with tons of channels, i ask because i am looking at running one of them in order to stream playon!


    Oaklawn Park Logo. 2011 Oaklawn Park page coming

  • 2011 Oaklawn Park page coming

  • larkost
    May 1, 07:34 PM
    You are vague with "added a folder to Xcode", so I will ask, did you add it to the project? Have you checked to see if these images are being copied into your application bundle? If so, then they are probably in Contents/Resources, and if they are distinct from everything else in /Resources, then you can enumerate that (filtering for only these images), and work from there.

    Oaklawn Park Logo. Zenyatta at Oaklawn Park for

  • Zenyatta at Oaklawn Park for

  • jrm27
    Jan 6, 11:50 AM
    Hello all,

    Weird question, and hoping for some guidance.

    Ihave built a light box and put a big pile of unspooled yarn in it. In the picture, the pile of yarn is off to the left, and there is a single strand (leading to the end of the yarn) stretched horizontally across the front of the picture. I'm trying to figure out a way to either:
    a. transform the straight line of yarn and manipulate it into text shapes (probably something cursive-like), so I can make it spell something.
    b. create a "yarn" text effect that I can drop into the area.

    I'm basically trying to make the single strand of yarn spell a word. I'm halfway decent with this kind of stuff, but still trying to figure out how I might accomplish something like this.

    Not even sure if this makes any sense! Heck, if there's even a "yarn" font out there that anyone knows of, I'd even use that and blend it in with the photo. Thanks for any direction or advice!


    Oaklawn Park Logo. horse race at Oaklawn Park

  • horse race at Oaklawn Park

  • mdamour
    Apr 25, 04:15 PM
    Thank you!

    Oaklawn Park Logo. horse race at Oaklawn Park

  • horse race at Oaklawn Park

  • waloshin
    Mar 28, 04:15 AM
    Yum: http://yumcanada.com/

    Kfc: kfc.ca is miles better while yum looks like a child designed it in Dreamweaver back in the early 2000's!

    Oaklawn Park Logo. horse race at Oaklawn Park

  • horse race at Oaklawn Park

  • SR71
    Apr 16, 04:03 PM
    Hi! I was using my MBA in clamshell mode when I was having the problem, but I decided to try it again, and now it seems to be fine. Huh. I wonder what the earlier problem was. Perhaps there was some kind of background process going on that I was unaware of.

    Well, at least the problem is gone. ;)

    Oaklawn Park Logo. Property Photos. Photo

  • Property Photos. Photo

  • SonComet
    Mar 22, 11:35 PM
    No one knows what prices or even really which monitors will be available at what price in August. And for that matter no one knows if the G5 towers will still be offered at 2ghz in rev c. If you were buying right now, then the only monitor that would fit the bill would be the dell 2005fpw or 2001fp when on sale. And you can't find 19" lcds at above 1280x1024 because they only make them at 1280x1024; unfortunate, but true. Also, that's awhile to wait, so it's best to just sit back, relax, and plain your purchase when you have the funds. I know it's hard, but trust me it wastes a lot less time to not think about it so much until you can actually buy it, lol. I am guilty of the same thing though, I stare at 42" plasmas daily, well I did until I reminded myself that the ones I lust after today will be old generation by the time I can afford one later this year. Now I don't feel so inclined to look at them anymore, heh.

    Oaklawn Park Logo. at Oaklawn Park Friday,

  • at Oaklawn Park Friday,

  • wheezy
    Feb 25, 04:30 PM
    I think the SSD makes most sense. Despite photoshop wanting to run scratch on a separate disc, most laptop users never do this so I imagine Photoshop is still coded to work well with the same scratch as the program. And in your case, even a slightly overworked SSD will outperform the 7200, especially if you're pulling over huge files.

    Oaklawn Park Logo. Oaklawn Park, Mar 01, 1960 .

  • Oaklawn Park, Mar 01, 1960 .

  • arkitect
    Apr 6, 01:54 PM
    I was looking for a cheaper alternative, but in the end has to fork out good money and got CadTools for CS5...

    Not to get all preachy on you here, (:o ) but if it contributes to your earning a crust it is worth buying�
    Who knows, you may even find use for the stuff you think you don't need.

    Oaklawn Park Logo. New Video: “17I” Oaklawn Park

  • New Video: “17I” Oaklawn Park

  • TheVidEditor
    Aug 23, 09:50 PM
    There's an app for that :apple:

    Oaklawn Park Logo. Oaklawn Park

  • Oaklawn Park

  • Ecodisk
    Dec 6, 03:04 PM
    Thanks for your help. I have one more question now. Where is the best place to find Mac video cards since I have to get a Mac specific one :(

    Oaklawn Park Logo. bridges in quot;Oak Lawn Parkquot;

  • bridges in quot;Oak Lawn Parkquot;

  • zimv20
    Jun 13, 05:54 PM
    khaldei did it. he's 148 points over. neat!

    Oaklawn Park Logo. Zenyatta at Oaklawn Park for

  • Zenyatta at Oaklawn Park for

  • dazzer21
    Nov 16, 07:05 AM
    I'm using InDesign (CS3) to create various items of collateral with common elements. Some of those elements contain type with drop shadows on and a lot of the time, the differences between one item and another (say a leaflet and a banner) requires the various elements to be grouped and scaled up or down.

    Unfortunately, when scaling these items, the drop shadows appear to keep their original absolute settings - for instance 100pt copy with a 5mm offset shadow, when scaled to twice the size shows 200pt copy with a 5mm offset shadow, as opposed to the 10mm offset it should be. Am I missing something on the preferences or is this the norm? If so, is there a solution/workaround?

    Oaklawn Park Logo. Stakes at Oaklawn Park.

  • Stakes at Oaklawn Park.

  • Big D 51
    Apr 15, 09:27 PM
    You take the name of the song, type it into iTunes and purchase.

    It's some backyard rap music that someone made and isn't on iTunes.

    It would be easy if it was a popular song by a popular artist.

    Oaklawn Park Logo. at Oaklawn Park - Photo

  • at Oaklawn Park - Photo

  • elpe
    Apr 29, 05:24 PM
    Hi there,

    My iphone will not turn on, its able to connect to my mac, only in dfu.

    After trying to restore itunes says: error 23.

    Read a lot of forums but always whitout a real solution... Most say its water damage but mine has a different story:

    Jailbroken, custom firmware 4.2.1 on baseband 6:15:00.

    Used it for a couple of months, never opened cydia. A friend of mine opened the cydia app and it started updating. Then the iphone slowly died in 2 days:

    First battery fast drainage and after the battery died it will not turn on again. Connected to usb power cable: able to connect to itunes in fdu: error 23

    Anyone any clue?

    Thanks a lot!!

    Oaklawn Park Logo. Oaklawn Park (Hot Springs)

  • Oaklawn Park (Hot Springs)

  • dwman
    Aug 31, 01:54 PM
    Seriously, this is pretty egregious. Quote from the article below.

    if iTV ha no storage...

    May 4, 07:17 PM
    It's still under warranty, so no need to worry. Just take it to the Apple Store.

    May 6, 07:09 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    When I type in Safari or Atomic or even click links there is about a 1 second delay, which is huge. Is this happening to anyone else? It started a few weeks ago and the update didn't help.

    What kind of a phone do you have and what iOS version are u running?

    Apr 23, 03:01 PM
    BetterTouchTool is an application which allows you to configure plenty of gestures, both on your Magic Mouse and on your Trackpad (if you have one). So just choose one of the gestures the program offers you and assign it to expose. Below is the link.


    May 3, 03:17 AM
    Try buying TV series instead of illegally downloading them off the net. :rolleyes:

    Most programmes aren't actually available for sale. :rolleyes:

    Apr 23, 04:29 PM
    Greetings! I live in a blended family (I use mac :apple:, roommate uses pc :eek: - haven't converted her yet). She and I would like to live in harmony and use a shared desktop workstation.

    I've hooked all external components (mouse, keyboard, printer) via USB to a Lenovo K33415 Port Replicator. NEC AccuSync LCD also connected to Port Replicator via VGA.

    When I plug her PC in, it recognizes all components immediately. My MacBook recognizes all components except the monitor.

    Do I have to use a Mini DisplayPort to connect the monitor to the Mac? Or can I make it work as is with the USB?

    Thank you sooooo much!!!! :o

    Does the port replicator work with displaylink software? that's pretty much the standard for USB video: http://www.displaylink.com/ The os x driver is here: http://www.displaylink.com/support/mac_downloads.php

    Note usb video is really slow to respond vs the displayport or dvi or vga because of the limited bandwidth and you will need the built-in screen on that macbook to install the driver but you should be able to watch youtube videos. Also, forget games, it does NO 3d.