Sep 4, 12:15 PM
Just a little bit more detail if you can...like a verse out of the song or something.
Jan 17, 02:17 PM
I like mischief's idea!! :p
Nov 5, 04:51 PM
I've setup a <div> area that is setup on Auto for scrolling options. If I have <a name="top"></a> and a ways down the div have a link back to <a href="#top">TOP</a> it does nothing. Firefox works, Internet Explorer works, but Safari does not for this. I've tried changing name to #top, I've tried taking out the </a> on <a name> I tried a lot of things, but nothing has worked. Anyone have this problem?
BTW this is in a PHP Page that loads a page into the <div> box that has the <a name> thing in it. I'll post the code if you need it.
BTW this is in a PHP Page that loads a page into the <div> box that has the <a name> thing in it. I'll post the code if you need it.
May 6, 08:37 AM
Remote disc from your iMac per chance?
Dec 5, 05:12 PM
Maxwell Smart
Jan 9, 09:19 PM
Oh man, these photos just make me want one even more :(
Mar 31, 05:15 PM
Knowing SpyMac, you probably couldn't sell a shred of dignity on their auction site. But I guess that's not surprising for SpyMac.
May 2, 05:02 PM
Yay!! this works!! cool thanks man!
You're welcome, glad to help!
You're welcome, glad to help!
Young Spade
Apr 24, 02:37 PM
So I'm assuming you can't just install the newest one then give them the disks that would allow them to install iLife? Or you could just not install iLife... seems like that would make your life a lot easier; it isn't that expensive either so they wouldnt' really be missing out on something... and I don't think the inclusion nor retention of iLife would sway a person either way :)
Mar 8, 10:01 PM
Doesn't really help but I'm getting the same error. :rolleyes:
I caved and took it to the Apple store (as well as my Mac). He had no clue what was up with my Mac (cause pretty sure the problem is there) but he just installed the OS on it from his computer (and then I re-synched my songs).
I caved and took it to the Apple store (as well as my Mac). He had no clue what was up with my Mac (cause pretty sure the problem is there) but he just installed the OS on it from his computer (and then I re-synched my songs).
Oct 20, 11:06 PM
As of now, I am planning to be there.
Oct 20, 03:20 PM
Well folks. Theres our winner. I LOVE that. So simple, so effective and so excellently shot. Music is perfect for it. Kudos my man, I love it. :cool: :D
Must agree tho, Apple font. But thats like saying Jodie Kidd isnt perfect coz she has a spot on her arse. It's far, far, far from a big deal.
well thank you kind sir ! not too sure about a winner :o but it was fun to film and edit
Must agree tho, Apple font. But thats like saying Jodie Kidd isnt perfect coz she has a spot on her arse. It's far, far, far from a big deal.
well thank you kind sir ! not too sure about a winner :o but it was fun to film and edit
May 4, 09:34 PM
Anyone hear anything about a Cinema Display update? Maybe just to like an HD iSight and Thunderbolt ports?
Mar 10, 07:31 PM
iphone 4 line was pretty crazy there. I'm probably going to show up around 2. I would order online, but I'm leaving Sunday for a work trip for the week and can't wait.
Mac Fan 4 Ever
Jan 10, 03:23 PM
Didn't you already post this???
Feb 13, 12:36 AM
Actually the update purchases transfered over everything! Sweet thanks!
Apr 15, 07:24 PM
I have updated all my clients. Bring it on!
Jun 29, 08:37 AM
I have had the iPod since December, it is in perfect working condition and has the January apps, the battery is in very good condition, the iPod has a few scratches around its edge one on the top and one next to the home button but non visible on the screen. I am selling it with a Belkin brown lever velcro case. When the iPod is in the case no scratches are visible. iPod comes with the box, case, headphones, USB wire and iPod touch dock adapter. I am ideally looking for around �150 (**Typo sorry guys!) with shipping.
Jun 27, 12:00 PM
Mac2sell isn't always accurate. The 1.83C2D pops up as a refurb for less than that. PM sent.
No PM Received.
No PM Received.
Feb 1, 05:27 PM
Shouldn't the base tag look like,
<base href="http://www.violetsandvenom.com/images/">
then, rather than just "/"?
<base href="http://www.violetsandvenom.com/images/">
then, rather than just "/"?
Apr 26, 09:06 PM
i was told you have 30 days to add applecare
May 5, 01:33 PM
It depends on the repair. For major repairs like logic boards they may not have any at the store, so you will have to send it in.
Dec 9, 07:24 PM
I just did some quick research on http://ramseeker.com and I don't think you can. Sorry man... :(
Apr 26, 09:48 AM
ok thanks